Author Topic: Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009  (Read 37922 times)

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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:41:46 PM »
merged with MuscleVett's new thread 06/10/08

Dates for Beach Hop 2009
We are pleased to announce that Beach Hop 2009 will be March 26-29th. Yes – that is 1 month earlier! As the new dates are in daylight saving time, the festival will become more day focused. We are also limiting the number of vehicle entrants.


Beach Hop 208 Pictorial
Our congratulations to the team at New Zealand Hot Rod Magazine for the superb quality of the Beach Hop 08 Pictorial – it is stunning! The photography and selection make this a MUST HAVE. They are on sale at over 1000 outlets around New Zealand including selected Whitcoulls, BP & Shell outlets. Or you can order directly from or Liz will even tell you the outlets in your area if you email her

Beach Hop 2008 Movie
We gave a test screening of the 2008 movie last Friday night to some special guests, and it received a fantastic response. We’ve asked Peter and the team to make a couple of minor adjustments and then it’ll go away for a rating. Once we get it back we’ll send them out to Ultimate Pass entrants and those that have pre-ordered them. If you’d like to order your copy now, then please email .
The movie sees the return of Buddy Baxter and Mary Lou as they check out the fun at the festival. Mary Lou has a friend called Sally who Buddy falls in love with – but she isn’t interested until he ditches his Ford Anglia. Of course this story is based around the action and characters at the Beach Hop with highlights from Pauanui, Cruise the Loop, Onemana, Night Cruising, Grand Parade, Surf Comp, Nostalgia Fair and bands. Speaking of bands, the Retro Rockets “Catalina” is pure rock video. There are 6 “Meguiars Feature Cars” included. The movie is 8 minutes longer than last year at just on 1 hour and also includes a 30 minute bonus section with video and photo gallery courtesy of

2009 Festival Sponsors
We spent some time last week catching up with our Auckland based sponsors. The good news is they are all very excited about the new festival format and indicated they are back on board next year. So watch this space as we are hoping to announce some very exciting news….

Have fun!

The Team
Beach Hop Central

Major Sponsor
Famous Pacfic Shipping

In association with…..
Makita Powertools
Number 1  
Classic Cover Insurance  
Streets Ice Cream
House of Kolor
Kicker Car Audio
Castrol Edge
Century Batteries
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 06:14:35 PM »
Hello everyone.
 A few of us are going to Beachhop in New Zealand next March 26th -29th  & were thinking we should try & make it a club tour.  Joe Johnson went this year & said it was fantastic, the more members we get the cheaper the airfares I can organize for us, & also accomadiation.  To check out the event log onto their website.  This is the biggest Muscle car show outside of the USA & this year they are giving away 3 Mustangs. So if you are interested in coming along please let me know ASAP.
  See Ya Garry ;11

Click For Website


Past And Present Cars


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 06:45:43 PM »
Hi every one as Garry said I went to Beach Hop 2008 and had a ball. According to the guys at this event in 2009 is already shaping up to be the biggest yet.
Hope we can get a group together here is a link to the pics I took last year.


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2008, 10:02:45 PM »
I'll put my hand up this looks like THE biggest event
in the southern lands.Whats the plan  on numbers.
Can our club raffle off a couple of tickets,{air Fares} between now and March.
just a does one need passport,visa,motel bookings
any plans to take a car with us costs of shipping one:9 and the costs per person as
you get closer this beats tasmania and we see some Kiwi car enthusiasts


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 07:58:17 PM »
Is this a boys only adventure :cool:or are we taking baggage.
I am interested but good old fashioned work seems to get in the way, won't know if i can get the time off this far away.
If i take the missus i would have to do a bit of site seeing aswell, take her to a boiling mud pit.


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 08:28:38 PM »
This is the latest up date that I recieved today.
On Monday we sold out of Ultimate Passes for Beach Hop 09 - the response has totally blown us away. We apologise to those who have missed out, however we can only fit a certain number of cars into the area.

As you may be aware, we are also limiting the number of Standard Pass entries as well. These entries can do the all activities for the full festival. WE ARE 50% SOLD OUT OF STANDARD PASSES AS WELL! So if you wish to participate fully then we suggest you enter straight away - they will all be gone soon.

For the first time we are offering Day Passes for Saturday only. These entrants can come to the Beach Hop for the day and park at one of the many car shows we have around the town. They are eligible for prizes and receive a BH09 window decal, Festival Programme and Swing Tag for the bus service that will take people from car show to car show.

Standard and Day Pass entries can be made online at or entry forms
can be printed off at

We are still experiencing some email problems with entry confirmation. Please be patient with us....

Give Away Cars
We can now reveal the THREE Mustangs that will find new homes at Beach Hop 09. Check out our website
 for the "as brought" photos. The cars are currently sitting at Famous Pacific Shipping's LA agent's fantastic indoor storage shed waiting to be loaded for shipping to NZ. We will have a photo of all 3 together for the very first time next week as they are being loaded into containers.

Overseas Visitors
We are fielding a lot of enquires from overseas and it looks like there will be plenty of international visitors at the Festival. There are even rumours about a couple of cars from Australia heading our way... Once again we will have FREE Beach Hop 09 "Aussie" swing tags available at Beach Hop Central for our guests. We will also look at some for other countries as well so make sure you pop into our Shop and say Hi to our crew!

Have fun!

The Team
Beach Hop Central

See Ya Garry.;11

Past And Present Cars


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 08:31:24 PM »
There are some members that have asked me if they can stay longer to sight see their are no problems with that you can make your our tour up & if you want to bring the better halves once again it's up to you.
 See Ya Garry ;11
Past And Present Cars


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2008, 11:14:07 AM »

I found a link the the Beach Hop on your forum so have joined up to help you guys get to New Zealand next year. We really welcome guests from Australia, and if there is anything I can do to help then please let me know.

Incidentally, we shipped 2 cars to the Wintersun Festival in Coolangatta in 2006 - it cost us NZD$5000 return for both cars - not too bad! Our major sponsor is Famous Pacific Shipping and I'm sure they would cut you a great deal if you wanted to bring cars over. And if you did, then you would be our very special guests... We had a Sled from Brisbane here this year...

And yes, we have just purchased THREE classic Mustangs which will find new homes during the festival next March. I'm actually still in the USA finishing up the shipping.. been here since Aug 1st and head back to NZ next week..

Keep in touch!

Noddy Watts
Beach Hop Central


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 06:04:59 PM »
Hi Noddy.
   It will be our pleasure to attend your great event we will look into maybe shipping cars over? If you can put us onto some motels in the area that we can book into as a group that would really help.  Mate thanks for coming onto our forum & web site it will be a pleasure to meet with you if you have the time I know what it is like running an event this size I will bring you a club shirt & hat.
   Regards Garry McLaughlin.
     President AMCCA  
Past And Present Cars


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Weekend Away 26th-29th March 2009
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2008, 01:02:52 AM »
Hi Gary,

No problem at all. As I said, we'll do everything we can to help you. My advice on accommodation - you won't find a motel for 30km away. The best thing to do is rent a couple of holiday homes for 4-5 nights. These usually come fully furnished and can sleep anywhere from 6 - 12 each. Some prices are sky rocketing and we are trying to combat that - but you should be able to pick one up for around NZ$250-$300 per night. Most will be within 20 min walk into town. You usually just have to leave it as clean as you found the house... I can put you in touch with an agent if you want to go this route once you have an idea on numbers etc.

Another option is Campervans. I can possibly arrange a place for you to park up for a minimal fee. It is just on the outskirts of town in the country. Perhps too far to walk into town - but if you are smart you will be fine... Maui/Britz do a pertty good rate on campervans for the week....

Or perhaps a rental house and a couple of campervans parked on the property? Now that may be a smart idea....

Please let me know what you think will suit you best...




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